Saturday, July 07, 2007

Why does stuff like this always happen?

Okay, so nothing major. This is more of a bored, frustrated blog post than anything remotely resembling something significant.

I'm in the shop. I've finally downloaded the last two episodes of The Sopranos - but every time the tension builds, people come in the shop (now I wouldn't mind this so much if they actually brought anything!). I have the same problem with smoking. No one comes in for hours, but as soon as roll a fag, someone comes in (maybe it's like the waiting for the bus syndrome).

And on smoking, it was inevitable really that I was going to mention the smoking ban. But the thing that really annoys me is I've spend the last few days walking through clouds of smoke outside pubs which I have found worse than ever going into a smokey pub. Not to mention the gangs of people now hanging out in our alleyway from the pub, which must put people off coming down to the shop. I suppose I'm just feeling bitter about the whole thing. I wouldn't mind so much if I smoked inside at home, but having a kid, I don't. It was therefore always one of my little luxuries in life to go out and be able to smoke inside. I'm kind of grateful I don't do drugs anymore. I can't imagine what it'd be like to go to a club, get fucked, and not be able to smoke.

1 comment:

Liam said...


How are you doing? Just read your comment on my blog, I feel like I haven't seen you for ages either. It's bizarre, isn't it? I feel like we're all shuttered away in our rooms. I hope the work is picking up for you. I met Sam, my tutor, yesterday, and that was useful. Feeling a bit stuck at the moment, hoping it will pass in time.
