Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Totally brain dead

I've come to the conclusion I'm totally brain dead. I don't think I am capable of normal or even subnormal communication at the moment.

I've left this blog floating, in cyber space for longer than I meant and now I've got too much to catch up with. And it's the same as the dilemmas I used to face when I kept a daily diary - do I now spend my writing time catching up, or do I simply say where I am now? Really I should be in the moment, but given the moment is brain dead and I've had to force myself to type this, may past is better.

But I'm in avoidance mode either way. I don't want to write about how I feel. I feel shit, PMT is raging (and I wish for once in my life I'd remember to take Evening Primrose 'cos it does really help). We're into the petty details arguments couples have when they break up and I'm exhausted.

Jack was ill last week, so ill I ended up taking him to hospital at 11pm in paranoid mother mode. He woke up complaining of his neck hurting and the meningitis alarm bells rang. I got to the hospital and my friend was the doctor on call which was really lovely and made me feel lots better.

He's fine - he had a bad ear infection and his glands were up. And his been ill ever since. Today in fact is the first day he's seemed a lot better and should be able to go to nursery on Thursday. I finished my industry analysis whilst holding him, so I'm just praying it's good enough to pass. I'm not looking to do any more than that.

Talking of Jack, we've reached a milestone. He appears to be out of nappies. Just as I was beginning to doubt the non pressurised theory, he's done it. He hasn't worn a nappy for a week, day or night, and he's been completely dry.

And random things have occurred to me in the spirit of random things. I was buying a coffee in the Great Shakes place in town (good place if you want coffee up 'til 10pm) and they have 1p sweets. When I was a kid 1p sweets were half pence sweets, but considering the amount of inflation on everything else, 1p sweets seem to be a bargain. Although shows how cheap they are to make.


miss-cellany said...

If it helps at all, you are not the only one who feels brain dead... My brain was so far gone yesterday it decided to migraine. Yuk.

Hope Jack is feeling better.

Can I come with you to the 1p sweet and coffee shop? Sounds great :)

Occasional Poster of Comments said...

>>My brain was so far gone yesterday it decided to migraine<<

At first, I read that last word as migrate.

Anyway, hope you're doing ok. And Jack.

Fi said...

My brain's been semi-comatose for months... can't remember when last it was fully functional???

Do the penny sweets help any? Thinking wise.